How to Resize the Track List and Clip List Tables with VoiceOver and Flo Tools by Slau Halatyn
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Occasionally, it might be necessary to resize either the Track List or Clip List. One might receive a session whose lists are either too narrow or too wide. For example, when trying to click and drag a clip from the Clip List table to the timeline, if the Clip List table is too narrow, as VoiceOver navigates the table, the mouse pointer can end up outside of the actual table, making it impossible to click and drag. The Track List and Clip List tables can be resized (that is, widened or narrowed) by clicking and dragging their borders, the right edge for the Track List and the left edge for the Clip List. When the cursor is in the correct position laterally, the mouse pointer changes shape to visually indicate that the table edge will resize if dragged. For VoiceOver users, there’s no way to know when the mouse pointer has changed shape. So here are instructions for how to resize each table. The procedure is similar for each table but slightly different. Before starting:
- Make sure VoiceOver is set to report measurements in points rather than inches. A point is a relative measurement and will be a different measurement depending on your screen size and resolution but, regardless of those variables, the relative size and location of UI elements will always be the same point value on any Mac. Go to VoiceOver Utility/Verbosity category/Announcements tab and navigate to the "Announce Size and Position In" pop-up menu and select "points."
- Make sure there are no system dialogs or notifications blocking the Pro Tools interface and close all floating Pro Tools windows.
- Make sure the Flo Tools Mouse macro group is enabled. Press Command+/ (slash) to toggle the group on or off.
- Turn off the Flo Tools Inspector.
The objective is to route the mouse pointer to either the right edge of the Track List table or the left edge of the Clip List table to drag the edge to resize the respective tables. To determine the width of either table, navigate to a table and press VO+Command+f3. VoiceOver will announce the window name along with the session name and then report the width and height in points. Pressing VO+Command+f3 again will report a table's location across and down from the window's top left corner. Once the width or height of the table is determined, the edge will always be a fixed amount of horizontal points away.
Track List Table instructions:
- Navigate to the Track List without interacting.
- Press VO+Command+f3. VoiceOver will report the width and height of the table in points.
- Add 23 points to the horizontal coordinate (the first value). For example, if the Track List table is 86 points wide, add 23. The target coordinates where we’d need to move the mouse pointer would be 109 points right and either 28 points down if we’re in the Mix window or 112 points down if we’re in the Edit window.
- Use the "Move Mouse to Coordinates Relative to Current Window" macro to move the mouse pointer. Press Command+Option+Shift+w and enter the coordinates. Type the horizontal value (the value VoiceOver reported for the Track List width plus 23), a comma then the vertical value (28 for the Mix window or 112 for the Edit window) with no spaces and press Return. You can verify the mouse pointer position with the flo Tools "Copy and Speak Mouse Coordinates Relative to Front Window" macro by pressing Command+Option+Shift+c.
- Press VO+Command+Shift+Space Bar to mouse down on the Track List table edge.
- Drag the Mouse pointer either to the left to narrow or to the right to widen the table using the Flo Tools Move Mouse shortcuts, Command+Option+Shift+left or right arrow. Each press of the shortcut will move the mouse pointer by 10 points.
- Press Command+Option+Shift+Space Bar again to mouse up. You can verify the results by navigating back to the table and pressing VO+Command+f3 once and VoiceOver will report the new width and height of the table.
Clip List Table instructions:
- Navigate to the Clip List table without interacting.
- Double-tap VO+Command+f3. VoiceOver will report the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the table relative to the top left corner of the window.
- Subtract 1 point from the horizontal coordinate (the first value). For example, if the Clip List table is located 1331 points right, subtract 1. The target coordinate would be 1330 points right.
- Use the "Move Mouse to Coordinates Relative to Current Window" macro to move the mouse pointer. Press Command+Option+Shift+w and enter the coordinates. Type the horizontal value (the value VoiceOver reported for the Clip List table minus 1), a comma then 112 with no spaces and press Return.
- Press VO+Command+Shift+Space Bar to mouse down on the Clip List table edge.
- Drag either to the left to widen or to the right to narrow the table Using the Flo Tools Move Mouse shortcuts, Command+Option+Shift+left or right arrows.
- Press Command+Option+Shift+Space Bar again to mouse up. You can verify the results by navigating back to the table and pressing VO+Command+f3 once and VoiceOver will report the new width and height of the table.
A few additional notes: Generally, the narrowest width for either table defaults to either 80 or 86 points. If you continue to drag to narrow even further, at a certain point, the table will simply disappear as Pro Tools thinks you want to hide the table. To once again display the table, press the respective table Show/Hide buttons.